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Fiann Warriors

The Fiann Warriors book series is an enthralling collection of supernatural-themed novels, each weaving a rich tapestry of love, war, and mystical intrigue across different time periods and settings.
  1. "Creating Warriors" is set in the early 19th century, revolving around Beatrice, a determined woman who joins the military disguised as a man, and Abraham, who craves supernatural powers. Their story unfolds in Greece, where love and war intertwine with prophecies and supernatural forces. Beatrice transforms into a powerful supernatural warrior, and Abraham discovers his shapeshifting abilities, placing them at the heart of a cosmic battle that challenges their destinies and the strength of their bond.
  2. "Eagle's Keeper" shifts to the mystical town of Luling, Texas, a sanctuary for supernaturals. The narrative follows fraternal twins Kai and Kendrix from a ruling supernatural clan, and Iolair, an English aristocrat transformed into a supernatural being. Their lives converge amidst a brutal military siege, leading them through internment camps and a fight for liberation. The story melds elements like energy vampires, mental magic, and shape-shifters, emphasizing themes of family, loyalty, and the struggle against oppression.
  3. "Royal's Light" focuses on Eve, a centuries-old supernatural being, and her complex relationship with Kendrix, the father of her child. The novel explores Eve's journey from a farmhand to a war hero, her daughter's kidnapping, and her entanglement with General Casey and Emma. Kendrix, facing his own trials, discovers his connection to Eve and their daughter. The narrative delves into supernatural lore, warrior codes, and prophecies, testing Eve and Kendrix's endurance, loyalty, and love.
Each novel in the Fiann Warriors series offers a unique blend of supernatural elements, emotional depth, and intricate world-building. The series is ideal for readers who savor stories where historical fiction meets fantasy, and where the ancient and the modern collide to create a memorable supernatural adventure.
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